Parenting time is one of the most contentious discussions people can have during a separation, divorce or battle for child custody. Even when a child custody agreement is in place, some parents will take it upon themselves to do whatever they please. Today, we will take a look at how you can handle issues with parenting time in New York.
When an issue with parenting time arises, it can either be direct or indirect. Direct issues include instances where one parent prevents the child from seeing the other parent on purpose. This is done by taking the child without permission, failing to return the child on time or by moving with the child to another state without approval from the court.
Indirect issues include not letting the child answer phone calls or texts from the other parent, speaking ill of the other parent and not allowing the other parent to participate in the child’s school activities.
Parenting time problems can be fixed by using any of the following remedies:
- Making the parent who has committed the interference pay for the child’s education
- Having the court order “make up” parenting time for the parent who missed out on it
- Permanently or temporarily changing the order for parenting time
- Charging the parent who committed the interference with fines and other court fees
Now that you know how to handle the various issues that can crop up with parenting time, you can ensure your children are put in the right situation all the time. Make sure you follow the tips outlined here today so you and the other parent can tackle parenting time problems.