One thing that you have to remember when you are going through a divorce is that you have to take care of yourself. It is easy to become so consumed with what’s going on that you can’t focus on making decisions that are in your best interests. If you have children, it is imperative that you take the time to take care of yourself because they need you.
There is a chance that your ex is going to make comments in an attempt to make you look bad. Remember that all parents make mistakes. You can’t focus only on what your ex feels is a negative aspect of your parenting. Instead, evaluate the situation yourself and determine what you want to do if the same thing happens again.
Some parents cling more to their children during the divorce. This can be a bad thing because it might turn you into a helicopter parent who doesn’t allow the children to grow and spread their wings. Work on giving your kids the skills they need to make their own decisions.
The divorce can be a fresh start for you and your children. Use this transition as a positive experience. You can start new traditions so that the children have something to look forward to. This will create positive memories that can put this phase of life in a better light.
Throughout it all, have a good sense of humor. Things might get tough, and you can’t change that. You can only control your reaction to these things. By watching you during this time, your children will begin to cope up with the coping mechanisms that can help them or harm them as they mature.